Sunday, August 10, 2014

Chilekothar Unmadini

Chilekothar Unmadini (Ananda Publishers) is reprinted for the 4th time. 3rd reprint of Ahammaker Abhidhan (Gangchil).

1 comment:

  1. Sir, it was an invigorating experience while we used to listen to your lectures on Coleridge and T.S. Eliot, in Calcutta University M.A. English classes. Thanks to a man whose endeavor has always been to create not just good students, but good human beings as well. A perspicacious commentator, a great lecturer, who has an eye for the keenest details....I still remember your work on the 'still point', and Claudel's works, your books, journals and your real-life experiences which encouraged us to move on, in spite of all odds. Thanks for being such a wonderful person... SREETANWI CHAKRABORTY (M.A. English, Batch of 2007-2009)
